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Charges per mile of EV Vehicles? Best UK Motorways.

Below are the best UK Motorways for charges per mile for your Electric Vehicle at the time of authoring this article.
This comprehensive guide sheds light on the UK motorways that excel in providing charging infrastructure for EV owners. From the M40’s remarkable charging density to the M6’s vast number of charging points, these motorways cater to the growing demands of the EV community. By choosing the right route, you can embark on your electric journey with confidence, knowing that reliable charging facilities await you along the way.
Charges per mile: The prices were correct at the time of authoring this article, please check.
1: M40 – 0.61 Charges per mile
For years, the M40 faced criticism for its limited-service area offerings. However, with four service areas distributed along its 89-mile length, it manages to provide a charging point every other mile. What truly sets the M40 apart is the presence of ultra-rapid and rapid charging points, with more than half of its total chargers being Tesla Superchargers.
2: M6 – 0.42 Charges per mile
At an impressive length of 232.2 miles, the M6 proudly holds the title of the longest motorway in Britain. However, it falls slightly short of securing the top spot for EV charging. Nonetheless, with a total of 193 charging points, it boasts the highest number overall. It is worth noting that many of these points offer 50kW charging, which falls under the slower end of the rapid charging spectrum.
3: M62 – 0.40 Charges per mile
Spanning 107 miles, the M62 is the sixth-longest motorway in the UK, yet it surpasses expectations in terms of EV-charging provisions. This achievement can be attributed to Tesla’s Supercharging network, responsible for slightly over half of the eighty-six charging points along this route.
4: M4 – 0.39 Charges per mile
Linking London with Wales, the M4 benefits from its proximity to the capital when it comes to charging infrastructure. Heston and Reading services, located closest to London, contribute significantly to the motorway’s high ranking by offering a substantial proportion of its 147 chargers. These two service areas alone provide a remarkable seventy charging points.
5: M5 – 0.33 Charges per mile
Running from Droitwich in the West Midlands down to Exeter, the M5 is the fourth-longest motorway in Britain. Although it falls just short of claiming a spot in the automatic promotion places, it surpasses many rivals in terms of charging availability. Notably, Exeter services take the lead with eighteen ultra-rapid charging points and an additional 16 Tesla Superchargers.
6: M25 – 0.32 Charges per mile
Known as London’s iconic orbital motorway, the M25 spans an impressive 117 miles. However, with only four service areas along its route, it falls lower on our survey than expected. Nevertheless, two of its stops, Thurrock, and South Mimms, provide exceptional charging facilities, with 18 and 12 ultra-rapid charging points, respectively.
7: M1 – 0.30 Charges per mile
As one of the oldest and second-longest motorways in the UK, the M1’s ranking at number seven may come as a surprise. However, this is due to the fierce competition among the top contenders. Woolley Edge, located in West Yorkshire, stands out as the premier service area on the M1, offering nine ultra-rapid chargers on the southbound side and thirteen on the northbound side.
8: M8 – 0.23 Charges per mile
Connecting Edinburgh to Glasgow on Scotland’s picturesque west coast, the M8 covers 60.3 miles. Although it offers only one service area (Harthill), it compensates for this limitation with an impressive total of sixteen ultra-rapid chargers. Moreover, the M8 features a dedicated EV charging station called Charge Place Scotland, which houses an additional eight 100-150kW ultra-rapid chargers.
9: M3 – 0.15 Charges per mile
If you are planning a journey from London to the west country, a full charge before hitting the M3 is highly recommended. Like the M11, this 58.6-mile motorway suffers from a shortage of service areas, with only two available. Unfortunately, these service areas are not adequately equipped with charging points, adding to the challenge for EV owners.
10: M11 – 0.12 Charges per mile
Stretching across fifty-five miles, the M11 secures the 10th spot on our list. Although it boasts only one service area, namely Birchanger Green near Bishop’s Stortford, it still manages to provide thirteen respectable charging points. However, the scarcity of additional charging facilities along its route hinders its overall ranking.