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Rouge Electricians

Rouge Electricians, the scourge of our industry.

Well done N.A.P.I.T, at last somebody is striking a blow for properly qualified electricians.

They have successfully prosecuted two rogue electricians who carried out work, some of it lethal and let’s be honest Cheap; even the  N.I.C.E.I.C are starting to call it out.

The works will now have to be ripped out and made safe, costing Thousands of Pounds, and all because the house owners failed to check properly, that the so-called rouge electrician was qualified and certified to carry out those types of works.

How much longer will it take, and how many more Deaths/Fires, before, the Regs become LAW?

Stopping these rouge electricians from using further so-called grey areas; like the rest of Europe, America, Australia and yes even Scotland.

Which is just a few hundred miles up the country, blah blah, wake up Government stop dragging your heels and make electricity safe, people are dying all around England and Wales.

Many statutory LAWS make it a legal requirement to carry out testing, but it only seems to get enforced once somebody gets hurt or dies.

Even the insurance statistic: –

Say that over 70% of property in England and Wales needs to be rewired right now, and many insurance companies are now insisting on proper up-to-date Periodic test certificates known as EICRs before they will re-insure!

The Government keep on saying various things, but like the Cowboys they purport to want to stop, all I see is another set of Bigger COWBOYS, who don’t listen, don’t do, and don’t care until it affects one of them, so I ask how many more lives and families will be ruined, by the Governments stupidity.

KISS Principle For those in Government ELECTRICITY KILLS, just like gas, see simple really.

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