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Domestic Rented Accomodation

The maximum Period for a Domestic rented Accommodation (I.e. Rented Property) is: –

Change of Occupancy / 1 year for routine Check re sub-clause 3.5 or a Maximum of 5 Years as laid down in Table 3.2 of page 63 of Guidance note 3

This all depends on the state of the installation and also if the tenancy has changed, and the state the previous tenant left it in? one of the major issues with Domestic Rented Accommodation is tenants change and interfere with electrical systems often carrying out dangerous DIY work without the Landlords knowledge.

As a competent tester, it is up to us to assess the state of the installation not have the landlord or the letting agent dictate what they want us to say, so many younger electricians fall into this trap just trying to satisfy the landlord or letting agent a few have spent time at His Majesty’s pleasure because of it.

You sign it, and you can go to prison if you don’t do it properly, so many cowboys just dont care.

Read the book and the Landlords, unfortunately, as qualified engineers, we are not just governed by BS 7671, we also have to be Lawyers.

And as for letting agents saying things like, “My electricians do 6 a day at £ 70.00 each” and I get proper reports, they are living in LALA land if they think these reports are safe, and yes, I have had that said to me multiple times over the years.

If done properly an EICR complete with paperwork can take the whole day, so all those idiots doing it at a cut price just to get the remedial works, are out of their minds.

I just finished a 3-bed house near me, 1 board in the house 1 board in the garage ended up at 29 pages long, started at 8 am finished the paperwork at 5:30 pm 9.5 hours and that did not include the 1.5 hours of travelling, I’m sure we are all going to do 11 hours for

£ 70.00?

Oh, and by the way, this was one of the so-called properties the letting agent had got done for £ 70.00, needless to say, their so-called cheap testers had missed quite a few things!!!!

When confronted with the new paperwork, their answer was, but the other people said it was satisfactory so it’s not my problem!

Wrong they can go to prison as well as the landlord and the letting agent for allowing it; what price is somebody’s life, is all I said, obviously £ 70.00 to get a piece of paper for this company!


Call us today at 07957-432-981 or go to our Website: – or send us an email at [email protected], and get it done properly.