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Electrical Inspection and Testing: is your property a death trap?

Is your property a death trap,

When was the last time your property had competent Electrical inspection and testing?

Are you aware of the: –

Guide for landlords: electrical safety standards in the private rented sector

With almost one million people renting out their homes today, private landlords are enjoying the financial rewards, but some overlook legal health and safety requirements that can cost them and their tenants dear, namely Electrical Inspection and Testing.

Unsafe electrics cause around 12,500 house fires, 750 serious injuries and ten deaths each year. People living in rented properties are most at risk due to heavy wear and tear and tenants carrying out work without informing their landlord.
An accident could be waiting to happen so every landlord must have checks carried out by a NICEIC registered electrician to ensure the electrics are maintained in a safe condition.

Private landlords are legally responsible for maintaining and having electrical inspection and testing carried out by competent inspection engineers such as fire alarm systems, wiring, lighting and sockets as well as appliances, such as kettles, televisions, microwaves and washing machines and they can end up in court if a tenant is injured by an unsafe appliance or fitting that they have provided.

Jim Speirs, chief executive of electrical regulatory body NICEIC, said: “NICEIC strongly advises landlords to have thorough, annual checks of both fixed installations and portable appliances on rented property. With 40% of homes in Britain built before 1945, electrical problems are a common occurrence and rented properties are more at risk than owner-occupied homes due to wear and tear.

A Competent inspector who holds either an, L3 2391 or 2394/5 should be the first stop for landlords wanting to make sure properties are safe for their tenants, make sure the person who is coming to your property has this as a minimum and at least 5 years’ experience in the type of system you are asking them to inspect!

Far too many companies out on the internet hide behind schemes and those they send out are cheap because many lack experience in the type of system they are sent to inspect but they are CHEAP and that’s for a reason.

For Further information see our Web site www.  or contact us by e-mail: – [email protected] or contact us at 07957-432-981.